Armored Juggernauts

Master Warrior

The Master warrior is the toughest, strongest and most resilient person in the LAIRE world. Whether it is with a blade, hammer, spear or bow, blow for blow they are more capable than any other. Armed with both defensive and offensive skills, a battle weathered Master Warrior can combine their experience, strength, skill and constitution to be a truly devastating force on the field of battle. They may be a righteous fighter for Duke and country or a bloodthirsty mercenary bent on greed, each and every one with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Master Warrior

Master Warrior Advanced Career

Most Master warrior skills require Proficiency skills to learn. A Master Proficiency counts for any weapon. Learning those allows Master Warriors to pick up any weapon and have the full repertoire of their skills available.

Name Cost Prereq Purchase Tagged
Armor Efficiency 4 Warrior Basic Career Skill List/Weapons Master/ Ranger Weapons And Armor Proficiency Once No
Blind Fighting 5 1 Master Proficiency ~or~ 1 Assassin Proficiency ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency ~or~ 1 Ranger Proficiency Once No
Extension 3 Channeling Multi Yes
Feat of Strength 3 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Staminas Multi Yes
Greater Disarm 7 Disarm, Master Proficiency Multi Yes
Indomitable Warrior 10 4 Master Proficiencies, 2 Slays Once No
Master Florentine 4 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, Florentine, 1 Master Proficiency Once No
Master Parry 4 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Master Proficiency 13 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Non-Master Proficiencies Multi No
Riposte 10 Slay, 2 Master Parries Per Multi Yes
Shatter Weapon 5 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency ~or~ Iron Hand, 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Shield Parry 3 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency, Any Shield Skill Once No
Slay 10 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 2 Ranger Proficiencies Multi Yes
Speed 5 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 2 Proficiencies ~or~ 2 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
True Aim 6 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency with a Ranged Weapon ~or~ 1 Assassin Proficiency ~or~Ranger weapons, 1 Proficiency with a Ranged Weapon ~or~ 1 Arcane Proficiency Multi Yes
Weapon Accuracy 3 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 1 Proficiency ~or~ 1 Asassin Proficiency ~or~ 1 Monk Proficiency Multi Yes
Weapon Barrier 6 Weapons Master, 4 Proficiencies Multi Yes
Weapons Master 10 Warrior Basic Career Skill List, 50 Build Points of Martial Skills Once No
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